Specimen Plants
Plant availability is subject to change with the seasons.
The selection displayed is not our full range—we can source and order a wide variety, including more unusual and specialist plants. If you're looking for something specific, get in touch!
Acer palmatum - multi stem - many varieties & sizes
Acer palmatum Ryussen - 2m weeping specimens
Carpinus betulus - beehive, column, cube, ball, dome
Cornus kousa - multistem - many varieties
Euonymus alatus - multi stem pom pom
Euonymus japonicus Bravo - mushroom
Fagus sylvatica - beehive, column, cube, ball, dome
Feijowa selloniana - mushroom
Ilex Nellie Stevens - mushroom
Ligustrum japonicum - mushroom
Magnolia grandiflora - mushroom, multistem
Olea europaea - multistem, gnarled old trunk, loose head, clipped head, spiral, multistem pom pom
Osmanthus aquifolium - mushroom
Osmanthus burkwoodii - mushroom
Osmanthus fortunei - mushroom
Osmanthus heterophyllus - mushroom
Osmanthus ilicifolius - mushroom
Osmanthus licifolius - mushroom
Photina fraseri Pink Marble - mushroom
Photinia fraseri Carre Rouge - mushroom
Photinia fraseri Red Robin - mushroom
Pittosporum tobira - mushroom
Prunus laurocerasus - mushroom
Prunus lusitanica - mushroom
Sophora japonica Pendula - double spiral stem standard
Taxus baccata - beehive, mushroom, column, dome, ball, cube, pyramid
Viburnum tinus - mushroom